
Many of our courses are offered as self-paced learning online. Our online learning platform is easy to use and allows you to access your course materials, including notes, quizzes, videos, podcasts, and readings. Courses are self-paced, meaning you have a certain amount of time to complete your course. This can be a very flexible option if you are trying to fit a course around a busy schedule

Online live

Online classes are taught in an interactive webinar format, where facilitators and participants interact through audio and video, and the facilitator shares their screen with the class for the purpose of demonstrations. Participants should be available at the scheduled time to participate and ensure that a stable internet connection is available.

Some of our online courses combine structured lessons with online group classes or presentations over multiple sessions. These sessions may be taped for your convenience. Please check the course details for information about the timing of all live sessions so that you may participate, if possible, to gain the optimal experience.

See all online courses


Most face-to-face learning will happen on our main campus in Darlington / Camperdown in central Sydney, or you may find your course is at one of our many campuses across the city and the state. All course materials will be provided before your class begins. The course information will list software downloads or computer requirements for your class. Please note your requirements before attending class so that you are prepared and can make the most of your time with us.

Our beautiful campus has many lecture halls, tutorial rooms, classrooms and meeting spaces. Please check your course enrolment emails for details of your face-to-face classes and our location maps listed on our website for directions.

See all face-to-face courses

Combined (Live online and Face-to-Face learning)

Combined (Online and Face-to-Face learning) is a combination of online and face-to-face learning. You may find part of your course is held online, and the practical sessions are held in a classroom. This may be for specific presentations or course requirements for interactive group work. All online and face-to-face sessions will be listed in the course information.

You will be sent links to access live online sessions and supplied with materials and information about what you will need to bring to your face-to-face classes.

Hybrid (Self-paced and live sessions)

Hybrid courses are a mix of self-paced learning and live sessions. The courses combine structured self-paced lessons on our online learning platform with live group sessions, webinars, presentations, or workshops. The live sessions may be conducted online, face-to-face, or a combination of both, giving you the opportunity to participate in forum discussions and group exercises in real time.

If you are unable to attend the live sessions, some of our courses offer recordings so that you can watch at a more convenient time for your schedule. Please check the course details for information about the timing of live classes so that you may participate, if possible, to gain the optimal experience.

See all hybrid courses

Where you can learn

Example h2 heading

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